InTDS ArchivebyPeggy ChangAWS Certified Machine Learning — SpecialtyTips and suggestions on how to prepare and pass the examOct 7, 2021642Oct 7, 2021642
Tanisha YadavLinear Regression For absolute beginners in 5 minutesLinear regression with gradient descent in machine learningAug 6, 202142Aug 6, 202142
InTDS ArchivebyAndrea IalentiClustering PollockA cluster analysis on Jackson Pollock's paintings: how to use k-means to group colorsFeb 14, 20192781Feb 14, 20192781
InMachine Learning InterviewbyPham An KhangMachine Learning AssessmentI started writing ML questions in 2020. These questions based on my actual interview experience and after talking with a lot of data…Apr 30, 202117Apr 30, 202117
AI Reviews with Anjul TyagiMachine Learning Notes for Facebook’s ML SWE interview.I recently passed the Facebook’s Machine Learning Software Engineer (Ph.D.) interview. Here are the notes used to prepare the Machine…Nov 17, 20201421Nov 17, 20201421
InThe StartupbyAI Reviews with Anjul TyagiCracking the Facebook’s Machine Learning SWE Interview.I recently passed Facebook’s Machine Learning Software Engineer (Ph.D.) internship interview. In this post, I share my interview…Nov 21, 20203812Nov 21, 20203812
AI Reviews with Anjul TyagiData Science Notes for Facebook’s ML SWE interview.I recently passed the Facebook’s Machine Learning Software Engineer (Ph.D.) internship interview. Here are my notes for the Data Science…Nov 17, 2020150Nov 17, 2020150
TinaGongtingIn Interview: How to answer “Compare Random Forest and Gradient Boosting Decision Tree”?Machine Learning Engineer is a trending position nowadays. When people are interviewing for Machine Learning Engineer or Data Scientist…Aug 7, 2020981Aug 7, 2020981
InMachine Learning InterviewbyPham An KhangLinkedIn Machine Learning Engineer interview 2020/2021 Part 2: Data codingIn this interview preparation series, I outlined the most common questions I learned from my friends who interviewed at LinkedIn for a…May 6, 20218May 6, 20218
InTDS ArchivebyJeremie HarrisAmazon’s Menglin Wang on cracking the data science interviewMenglin Wang is a machine learning engineer at Amazon, where she works with two different teams, and teaches deep learning internally to…May 31, 201926May 31, 201926
InAcing AIbyVimarsh KarbhariDo a search for “Bias Busting”!— Interview with Andrew Key — Software Engineer at GoogleThe Monty Hall Problem is a great example of how intuition can often mislead you. — Andrew KeyDec 12, 2019214Dec 12, 2019214
InData Science Network (DSNet)bySanyam BhutaniInterview with Kaggle Grandmaster, Senior CV Engineer at Lyft: Dr. Vladimir I. IglovikovPart 24 of The series where I interview my heroes.Mar 18, 20192.9K2Mar 18, 20192.9K2
InTDS ArchivebyTerence Shin, MSc, MBAThe Amazon Machine Learning Engineer InterviewUnderstanding Amazon’s culture, hiring process, and interview questionsApr 21, 20204002Apr 21, 20204002
Misbah UddinBecoming Machine Learning EngineerMachine Learning Engineer (MLE) is a new engineering role that emerged a few years ago as the demand for a systematic and efficient…Jun 20, 20214Jun 20, 20214
InTDS ArchivebySocret LeePersonal Knowledge Management as a Machine Learning EngineerMy system to capture, store and retrieve informationJan 28, 2021304Jan 28, 2021304
Sayak PaulAn interview with Hamel Husain, Staff Machine Learning Engineer at GitHubOur interviewee today is Hamel Husain. Hamel is a Staff Machine Learning Engineer at GitHub, creating systems and conducting research that…Apr 3, 202075Apr 3, 202075
InTDS ArchivebyCassie KozyrkovMaking Friends with Machine LearningGoogle’s legendary applied AI course designed for beginners and experts alikeJul 15, 20216956Jul 15, 20216956