Florian RiegerIf you haven‘t heard of descriptors, you don‘t know PythonRecently, I started watching a lot of YouTube videos with Raymond Hettinger and the way this guy is explaining Python is totally hilarious…Dec 1, 20212.9K27Dec 1, 20212.9K27
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InTDS ArchivebyMohit MayankA Guide to Python Good PracticesRevisiting some of the best practices in Python by touching points from project structuring to code formatting to some good old code…Aug 9, 2021111Aug 9, 2021111
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InTDS ArchivebyKhuyen Tran3 Tools to Track and Visualize the Execution of your Python CodeApr 29, 20212.4K10Apr 29, 20212.4K10
InTDS ArchivebyKhuyen Tran3 Techniques to Effortlessly Import and Execute your Python ModulesHow to Make your Python Modules User FriendlyFeb 25, 20212781Feb 25, 20212781
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InTDS ArchivebyAdiamaan KeerthiBest practices for setting up a Python environmentPyenv -> Pipx -> Poetry, three pillars of python toolchainAug 15, 20215748Aug 15, 20215748
InTDS ArchivebyKhuyen Tran4 pre-commit Plugins to Automate Code Reviewing and Formatting in PythonWrite High-Quality Code with black, flake8, isort, and interrogateJul 24, 20216205Jul 24, 20216205
InTDS ArchivebyKhuyen TranPython Clean Code: 6 Best Practices to Make your Python Functions more ReadableStop Writing Python Functions that Take more than 3 Minutes to UnderstandJan 20, 20217858Jan 20, 20217858
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